
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

UMNO Y-leader warns of KL as new May 13 war zone!

Who said what at the UMNO general assembly - reported in Malaysiakini today:

Marang Youth information chief Razali Idris said that, if the disparity in wealth between Malays and non-Malays is not solved, it would lead to racial riots.

“Presently, the ‘Malay economy’ is growing at two percent, while the ‘non-Malay economy’ is growing at six percent. If nothing is done, the disparity will increase and this will lead to chaos."

“There will be another May 13, 1969. There will be war and Kuala Lumpur will be an urban battlefield. Therefore, don’t challenge the special rights of Malays. We don't want another fiasco in 2008."

And if one were to analyse the thrust of his dire warning, it's just a mere 'hands off our gravy train!' Bloke certainly has a bright future in UMNO, as he knows how to resort to extreme polemics when he runs out of facts, truths and justifications.

But I wonder whether he heard what his Youth chief had said of racial politics?

The NST reported:

Hishammuddin also warned the component parties in the Barisan Nasional not to fall prey to narrow political thinking and chauvinism.

"We must remember that creating a Malaysian nation will not be possible on narrow thinking and chauvinism. Don’t gamble the future by championing race politics."

We know them, we know where they are and we know what they are saying. We are not afraid to face these opportunist leaders and will not compromise with them ..."

Well, my dear Datuk Hishamuddin Tun Hussein, son and grandson of your illustrious and most respected father and granddad, what do you say about your Matang information man, Razali Idris?

Please put your money where your mouth is - discipline him immediately!


  1. Hey, its UMNOjugend after all. Double standards are what they're best at... scolding MCAjugend and MICjugend while at the same time harping on that old specter of May 13 and keris-waving.

    You read about Son In Law's arrogant warning to GLC leaders for their "uncooperativeness"? Sounds like the corporations haven't been giving him and his goons their share in the cookie-pot.

  2. Why isn't there protest/criticism by the so called moderate majority of these offensive racist remarks? Are they just "silent"-ly disagreeing, or think these statements are fine in this day and age or frighteningly, completely agreeing with them? Such disturbing times.

  3. Another case of challenge me and fucking die. Same goes for the PM, did you really think he was directing his warning to Khairy, or any of the UMNO chaps? The 'don't rock the boat' warning was for everyone else but them. Are there no qualified Malay leaders left in this country?

  4. Should we stop China from developing since our economy growth is so minute as compare to theirs? They would certainly tell you to "go to hell". What does their hardwork got to do with you?

    The same goes to Chinese in Malaysia. If they worked hard enough to gain what they are today, what rights do you have to question their wealth when you just sit around and asking for "equal distribution of wealth"?

  5. another may 13th? lulu hopes that if that does happen, it would be the malays vs the umnoputeras, not malays vs chinese. they're being robbed blind by these u-p's still living "marginalised" lives whilst the puteras live in mansions.
