
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mongolia amazed at un-Malaysian Malaysian

Malaysiakini reader ES Chua wrote the following letter (in light blue highlights) – my comments are in same colour as this paragraph:

To the UN representative of Mongolia and all Mongolians

Why UN rep of Mongolia? Why not President of Mongolia or people of Mongolia?

As a Malaysian, I offer my condolences on the tragic death of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu in Malaysia recently.

As a Malaysian, I feel ashamed that a national of my country has allegedly committed a barbaric act of murder against a beautiful and innocent lady from your country.

As a Malaysian, I pray that no barbaric, criminal acts against Mongolians and other foreign nationals will take place again in my country.

So far fair enough, and I share the same sympathy and sadness over the tragedy. But shouldn’t we at least allow the police to ascertain that she was murdered, and by a Malaysian? Afterall her dad hopes she might still be alive. The fact is we do not know, yet! Chua has galloped a wee too fast with the verdict like he’s Genghis Khan on the steppes of Mongolia!

Centuries ago, when the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty ruled China, Mongolian imperial troops tried to invade ancient Malaysia which was then under the rule of the Srivijaya Malay Empire of Johor.

Bullsh*t! Srivijaya Malay Empire of Johor? Double bullsh*t.

Look, it was in 1293 when the Mongols arrived in Java to punish Kertanagara, the last king of Singhasari (an ancient Javanese kingdom), for insulting Kublai Khan. Unfortunately for them, they were too late - Kertanegara was by then dead.

However, his son-in-law, Raden Wijaya, who subsequently founded the Majapahit empire, duped the invading Mongols into assisting him attacked his enemy Jayakatwang of the Kediri kingdom, with a promise to acknowledge their suzerainty over his kingdom.

The combined Mongolian-Majapahit force won the battle against the Kediri army. But after that victory Rajen Wijaya did a treacherous attack on his erstwhile allies while the latter were having a post-battle celebration. He got rid of them and was then crowned as Kertarajasa Jayawardhana, ruler of the new Majapahit kingdom.

The less-than-disciplined Yuan troops were ambushed and killed by the King of Johor's forces.

Chua’s history is a bit like a Hindustani movie romance, shifting amazingly across landscapes (from Java to Johor) at lightning speed in accordance with his whimsical directing.

Today, several Malaysians who are law-enforcing elements of the Malaysian government have been arrested in connection with the Mongolian woman's murder. And as a Malaysian, I convey my sympathy and apologies to the people and government of Mongolia.

Very nice – those bastards have been found guilty as hell by Magistrate Chua, and will be executed by Hangman Chua, after afternoon tea.

I pray that the late woman's family will be strong in their moment of grief, and that Mongolia and Malaysia will continue to maintain close diplomatic ties.


And that Mongolia beats Malaysia in the coming Asian Games.

Well, f**k you, Chua, how’s that going to bring the poor dead woman back to life or console her grieving family? And for someone who cried 'as a Malaysian' four times in your letter, you want Malaysia to lose in the Asian Games? Why don't you go to Ulan Batur and genuflect to the inhabitants there, while flagellating yourself with a Mongolian horsewhip.


  1. Love your historical comments. Wow are prof Khoo? ;)

  2. There's a difference between being sorry and being sycophantic. Seems ES Chua wanted to do more to appease the Mongolians.

  3. Glad to read your patriotic post.

  4. don't get it, what is the whole point of this "open letter"? What does the ancient history has to do with this murder?

  5. The Mongolian Horde are ancient history, funny this chap seems to like licking their horses's hoof.

    Sarcasm gone wrong me thinks!
