
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kedah UMNO Youth wants to expel Dr Mahathir

AAB’s faction is turning ugly with Dr Mahathir. They want to strip the Grand Ole Man from his privileged advisory positions in several state-owned companies and agencies.

UMNO supreme council is expected to discuss Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s position in those agencies this Thursday. At present, Mahathir sits as an advisor to Petronas, Proton dan Langkawi Development Authority (Lada), the last two being his personal ‘babies’.

Utusan Malaysia published a report today to test the waters. The UMNO mouthpiece quoted UMNO executive secretary Husainay Hashim as saying that matters pertaining to party’s interest and well-being will be discussed in the supreme council meeting.

It seems this is to punish Dr Mahathir for continuing his criticism of AAB. Some UMNO leaders are even talking about ejecting UMNO member No 0000001 from the party.

Over the weekend, Mahadzir Khalid (ironically from Dr Mahathir’s home state) Kedah Menteri Besar and Public Enterprise Minister Khaled Nordin had been the most vocal in criticising Mahathir over his attacks on AAB.

It seems that now, to prove one’s loyalty to the incumbent UMNO leader, those of Kedahan affiliations must strive harder to demonstrate their loyalties to AAB.

I learnt this from a good mate of mine, a Malay with a Chinese mum. Being good mates, he confessed to me that he had to work doubly hard to show he’s a Melayu tulin in both his heart and allegiance. He admitted that sometimes he had to act a bit ‘ultra’ because, according to him, people were always sort of looking at him as if his loyalty was dodgy as he was half-Chinese.

Khaled said that UMNO should review Mahathir’s position as advisor to government agencies, and added such an action would serve as a reminder to Mahathir that the party and the government disapproved his criticism against Abdullah.

Looks like either AAB cannot take criticism or his sycophants are running away with the agenda – which if I may add, AAB is not doing anything to stop either!

Utusan Malaysia also reported that the Terengganu UMNO had urged Mahathir to apologise to Abdullah for criticising the government. Well mates, you guys best wait for snow flakes to fall in hell!

But its secretary, Rosol Wahid warned that it was not wise for the party to expel Mahathir from the party as it could create bigger problems that would affect the unity within the party. And how!

He advised: “Mahathir should be given the opportunity to apologise to the Prime Minister before any action is taken against him.”

And guess which UMNO branch wanted to expel Mahathir?

Yes a case of ‘et tu, Brutus’ or perhaps 'the unkindest cut of them all' for Dr Mahathir. It’s the Kedah UMNO Youth – see what I mean about Kedahans having to prove themselves to AAB doubly so.

Its chief, Mohd Rawi Abdul Hamid said the action is deemed appropriate as Mahathir’s controversial statements had affected the party.

Well, so much for the Malays’ boast of Hang Tuah-ish loyalty, well, at least those from Kedah. Maybe they have more of the Raja Bersiong heritage rather than Hang Tuah?


  1. Drama Minggu Ini, featuring Tun Mamak Kangkang, and directed by Cicit Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

  2. where are does guys that burned down the teapot kingdom when you need them?

