
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Zakaria Deros' men threatened DAP with May 13

The DAP, PAS and PKR have all ganged up to call for the demolishing of the Raja of Pandamaran’s Istana (palace) which was constructed illegally.

So the praetorian guards of the Raja, a local godfather otherwise known as Zakaria Deros, current Port Klang assemblyperson and once railway gate keeper, decided to teach those sh*t-stirrers a lesson.

A mob of about 20 people clad in sunglasses (MIB = men in black?) confronted about 100 opposition demonstrators which was led by DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng. Zakaria’s men were seen to be brandishing steel pipes.

After some preliminary shouting to and fro, the praetorian guards waded into the protestors and beat up some DAP members. The opposition party demonstrators were forced to retreat to an area outside the main entrance of Kampung Idaman, where Zakaria’s mansion is located.

According to Anon, visitor to my earlier posting Zakaria Deros' Illegal Satay House, the Pandamaran folks came out to protect DAP and PKR demonstrators from the pipe-wielding thugs.
Selangor PKR vice-chief Khairul Anuar Zainudin, who was there, claimed the praetorian guards hurled racial slurs at the principally Chinese protestors. Khairul said: “They played up racial sentiments. They were shouting ‘Cina balik!’ (Chinese get out!), ‘Kalau kamu mahu Mei 13, saya hari ini boleh bagi kau’ (If you want May 13, I can give it to you today).”

Two other eye-witnesses confirmed that such words were used by the group which backed Zakaria.

Khairul claimed that the hoodlums were outsiders and not from Kampung Idaman.

One bright spark that emreged out of this fracas had been the mainly Malay locals protecting the mainly Chinese demonstrators. Out of adversity there was unity. Syabas, anak Malaysia!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Frankly, if the general elections were to happen now, it would be very very interesting.

    I hate racists who start problems-we don't need another May 13th.

    wtf is wrong with these bigots???

  3. Ah.....they should be careful for what they wish to inflict upon others. It might not even end well for them or their associates. Perhaps these NATO hypocrites are itching for their very own Highway of Death? Why if so, by all means, please do go ahead!

  4. if what u say here is true, then the racial slurs are just too much....

  5. Anon posted "Can someone just xxxx down the damn thing and the the whole thing over with?"

    Remember Jeff Ooi who had the "shooting" incident?

    Well, let's say I don't want to have a "smoking" incident ;-)
