
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Zakaria Deros' Illegal Satay House

Would you believe it - another property of Zakaria Deros has also been found illegally built and just sealed close by orders from the Klang Municipal Council (MPK).

It’s his DZ Satay House restaurant, just located nearby to his Istana Idaman mansion.

Municipal councillor Teh Kim Poo (he’s a Datuk, so must be a BN bloke – yes, just googled his name - he’s Klang’s MCA chief) said: “Yes, it has been sealed because the restaurant sits on JKR (Public Works Department) reserve land, which is state land. Furthermore, the restaurant does not have any temporary occupancy licence or a business licence.”

Cheeky sod that Zakaria character – built a satay restaurant illegally on JKR land, no permit, no licence whatsoever – I wonder whether the meat for the satay was legally slaughtered? ;-)

This time the MCA wanted to claim credit for thumping Zakaria, so it seems that the closure order came a few days after Teh started a fund-raising drive to help satay trader Abdul Salim Mohamad Nor, whose stall was torn down by MPK because of an extension constructed without a building plan.

Can you f**king beat that – small time trader get harassed, had his stall ripped off because of just an extension, while big time local godfather gets a Datukship, a 4-storey mansion and an illegally constructed/operated satay house.

Teh, who had queried the MPK’s unfair action then to 'close one eye' over the matter, said that sealing off Zakaria’s satay restaurant was not enough. He said it must be demolished as well.

Oo la la, the sharks have smelled blood if even the MCA dared to talk so bravely against abang UMNO.

But I am a bit unkind to the Port Klang MCA. To be fair to Teh Kim Poh, who incidentally is the Pandamaran assemblyman, he had on an earlier occasion objected to another Zakaria Deros' 'bright idea'.

Zakaria plus a group of councillors (who?) had backed a RM10.4mil project, which had since been scrapped following public protests. Teh Kim Poh was one of the strongest objectors to that ill-conceived project.

The dodgy development concept called for 1.2ha of a 10.3ha field to be constructed into a complex with three to five storey buildings housing 60 units of offices and shop lots. Twenty per cent of these lots were reported to be given to the Klang Municipal Council (MPK).

What was far dodgier and frightening for proper governance had been that Teh’s protests against the project at a council meeting were not even recorded. Apparently some creative minutes-taking occurred - there were many allegations of how the minutes were purportedly altered.

Then, Zakaria had in 2000 slapped Bandar Klang (DAP) assemblyman Teng Chang Kim at the state assembly building. That allegedly occurred when a heated argument had broken out during coffee break between the two, when Zakaria voiced dissatisfaction over the use of the word haram with regards to factories squatting on agriculture land.

The Mentri Besar slow talked the two into peaceful settlement, obviously more to protect the hoodlum behaviour of Zakaria than anything, but the fact that Zakaria saw fit to raise his hands against another assemblyperson must be frightening.

Then in 2001, Zakaria was among 13 UMNO members found guilty by the UMNO disciplinary board for breaching party ethics during the party polls. He was issued with a warning. Obviously he hasn’t changed.

The Sultan of Selangor wants Zakaria to resign from his position as Port Klang's assemblyperson or have his Datukship taken away. Why threaten only - strip him of the title straightaway!

But we need to wait and see, because from what I've heard, this Zakaria Deros is one mighty powerful local godfather.

1 comment:

  1. Malaysiakini reported that Zakaria mob threatened May 13 riot at the demo at his house. What even Malaysiakini did not report was that Pandamaran folks came out to protect DAP and Keadilan people at the demo.

    The Sultan thought he could 'make an offer Zakaria can't refuse'. He forgot who was the godfather..
