
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Rosy hazy days are here

The Star Online reported:

Singapore’s former premier Lee Kuan Yew says Malaysia has changed for the better under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and believes a recent diplomatic row was just a temporary setback.

In remarks published yesterday, Lee praised Abdullah’s calm handling of a dispute with Singapore over race relations and indirectly contrasted the current Malaysian leader with his fiery predecessor Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

“I would say that there’s a change for the better,” Lee told the Straits Times, referring to how the Malaysian leadership handled the latest episode in Kuala Lumpur’s often testy ties with Singapore.

“It’s measured, it’s calm and it has an eye to future co-operation, which we welcome.”


Meanwhile, somewhere away from KL ........

Aide: "Aiyah, arn chnua lu por ee ah"

* why did you brown-nose him?

Big Ego: “Karn leen nair, ee see kah tee lang leh.”

* Fuck it man, he’s our own

Aide: “Hia nair ah. Ua, hia nair tua kamcheng tee peng lai eh ah.”

* Oh, I see. Wow, such close relationship – how did it come about?”

Big Ego: “Ee ay knia sai – aiyah, chi leh hau snair knia chin eng puoi lah!”

* his SIL – hey, this young bloke is easy meat

Aide: "Hia nee tai siow ah!”

* so he is one big d….. [censored]

Big Ego: “Hu leh lau see kui ah, kar char choot toh hoe. Wah parng chi leh tok chiam hor ee kee-yong karn. Lang lang hoe liao lah – hehehe!”

* that old bastard – he should have left much earlier. I really gave one to him [Hokkien version more saucy and wicked]. Now, it's so much the better for us - hehehe

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