
Thursday, September 07, 2006

Very Fishy Upstream or Down River

Malaysiakini reported that Dr Mahathir is facing enormous odds against his election as a delegate for the UMNO Kubang Pasu division.

Three years ago, this forecast would have been laughable. Kubang Pasu had been nothing less than Dr Mahathir’s own turf. But Malaysiakini has been wrong in titling the news article as Dr Mahathir Swimming Upstream in Kubang Pasu.

It would have been more correct to title it
‘Dr Mahathir Sold Down the River’.

Gen-M, Dr Mahathir’s supporters from out of town, had expressed their shock that the so-called hometown supporters hadn’t done the stuff they promised to do, to support Dr Mahathir’s delegate-election campaign. The promised election pamphlets and CDs did not materialise. Zilch, nada, kosong – nothing was done.

And talking about streams and rivers, orang kampong juga, Home Minister Radzi Sheikh Ahmad, the UMNO secretary-general, and the man Dr Mahathir accused of being specially assigned by UMNO leaders to sabotage the former PM’s election as a delegate, admitted that he went to Kubang Pasu last week.

But he said he was there to check on his orchard which he had not visited for nearly four months, which also houses a fish and duck pond. He was there merely to check on his fish and ducks.

Yes, just a fishy kind of visit.

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