
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Mat Cemerlang = Mat Cemar = Mabok Cemerlang

Ho ho ho!

Putera UMNO, or more correctly, Khairy Jamaluddin’s Brigade of Mat Cemerlang showed their true nature and became Mat Cemar.

Those bikkies, some 8000 men and women, were taken by Putera UMNO to Teluk Muroh in Lumut, Perak over the weekend. They were supposed to clean a mosque and the cemetery, but what they did was something else.

Those bikkies brought chaos to the tiny hamlet. They bathed in the mosque ablution pond despite being told by locals not to.

So the irritated locals reported them to the Manjung Religious Department (PAIDM) who was quick to launch an operation against those wild bikkies.

In the raid, PAIDM detained eight youths, including teenage girls aged between 15 and 19, at a nearby hotel. PAIDM enforcement officer Mohd Zainuddin Mohamed Zaini said that they found three boys sharing a room with one girl. I bet they were not quite cemerlang – hehehe!

Mohd Zainuddin found in another room two 18-year-old boys and two teenage girls in an intoxicated state. The stars they saw were certainly cemerlang. The PAIDM officer said there were liquor bottles in the room.

He pronounced that all the youths involved will be charged at the Manjung district Syariah Court for khalwat (close proximity).

Mohd Zainuddin also said the locals had complained about the youths in the Putera Umno expedition of openly consuming alcohol, and that the girls were dressed provocatively when carrying out cleaning works at the mosque and cemetery.

Putera Umno chief Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim is in top denial, trying to maintain some form of damage control for the cemerlang bullsh*t. He said those involved in the expedition were tightly guarded with the help of more than 100 Rela and police officers - maybe, like monastery monks and nuns? He even claimed three roadblocks were mounted in the area to quarantined those wild youths.

If true, how and who the hell authorised such misuse of Rela and police personnel?

Abdul Azeez said the Mat Rempits were housed at camps along the beach while the 300 girls stayed in a motel. He said it was impossible for the participants to ‘escape’ and commit khalwat. He also disputed the allegation that the youths bathed in the ablution pond.

No, how could they, after they are already Mat & Minah Cemerlangs - hehehe!

As they say, give an idiot enough rope ……..


Lord of the Rempits - Fellowship of the Rempits


  1. hahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......... ROTFLMAO!!

    i can't help myeself from laughing!

    i already laughed when i saw khairy boy shaking hands with one of these mat rempit then laughed when they suggested to rebrand these mat rempit into mat cemerlang, possibly to turn them into tourist attraction... and now this....... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa

  2. That's what you get when you spare the rod and try to spoil useless wayward vagrants and rotten brats!

    This nation is full of idiotic halfbaked political dimwits who think they know better than the discipline masters of yesteryears!

    KJ and Putera UMNO Chief Azeez are wasting precious resources and time in trying to rehabilitate morons who would do better in an training camp under the army or the PLKN!

    These Mat Rempits ought to be put to social work activities like helping out at the old folks homes, orphanages and hospitals, etc.

    Trying to cater to their whims ends up exactly as I envisioned.

    They would end up causing more headaches to the UMNO fellows than repent and join the political parties as rookies!

    Talk about stupid ideas! This takes the cake!

    Wonder what other harebrained ideas these two are gonna come up with? Hehehehehehe!

    Mahaguru58 a.k.a abangtanjong

    * Can't seem to use my ID in here as I upgraded to beta recently hence using my other ID.

  3. Erm, the person who made the comment above made a mistake.

    Cleaning mosques IS social work ...

    With that in mind, is it wise to allow the Mat Cemerlangs near old folks and orphans, and hospitals?

  4. wat to go KJ and gang. after rebranding this mat rempit to mat cemerlang, next, you guys should round out all the illegal dvd peddlars and rebrand them to mat terbilang.

    don't stop there just yet, next you guys should round up all the ministers, unmoputeras, mcaputeras, micputeras including the pm and rebrand them into mat temberang.

    that would just do it. way to go for the nation.
