
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Int Sec Ministry gagged Chinese press on alleged embezzlements

Deputy Higher Education Ong Tee Keat alleged that officials had misused funds meant for Chinese schools' refurbishment.

Education Minister Hishamuddin blew his top at the allegation and in a storm of (contrived?) rage and petulance managed to get Ong's boss, the Higher Education Minister, to apologise whilst convincing the cabinet to reprimand Ong.

DPM Najib tip-toed through the tulips by declaring that the cabinet reprimand was on a matter of procedural correctness and not related to the facts of the issue.

Well, the facts of the issue have been that Ong Tee Keat’s allegation has since been supported by a key witness. Was there then any rehabilitation of Ong’s standing? Has there been an apology from Hishamuddin or the cabinet to Ong?

But don't worry about apologies for UMNO never apologise demi Bangsa dan Agama*. As the salesman said, "wait, there’s more" because Ong had but merely scratched the surface.

* for race and religion

The Chinese press have unearthed similar cases of alleged misuse of the special funds in two other schools - SRJK Mah Hua in Kepala Batas, Penang and SRJK Sin Bin in Klang, Selangor.

On Saturday, the Chinese newspapers reported Works Minister Samy Vellu’s visit to Mah Hua primary school to probe the alleged misappropriation of funds.

However, reports in Sunday’s evening editions of all four major Chinese newspapers - Sin Chew Daily, Nanyang Siang Pau, China Press and Guangming Daily - on the alleged misappropriation of funds in Klang’s SJKC Sin Bin involving work worth RM5,000 for an allocation for RM40,000 - strangely failed to appear in their morning editions today.

“…failed to appear in their morning editions today …”?


Well, it seems that the Internal Security Ministry has instructed the media to
stop reporting on the alleged misappropriation of funds earmarked for the repair and maintenance of Chinese primary schools nationwide. The ministry wrote to the editors last Thursday demanding “immediate cooperation” from the media to not highlight the controversy - especially if those contain FACTS.

OR ELSE obviously!

1 comment:

  1. Why waste so much time on RM 10 millions when I can spend it in an hour. Chinese press have nothing better news to report that they have to stoop so low to keep bashing at us. Next time you are not going to get a single sen. By the way are the Tamil schools getting their money's worth?
