
Thursday, August 17, 2006

What has Penang Govt given Non-Malays?

Meanwhile, the Penang debate continues ...

A Malaysiakini reader wrote in to say:

What a joke. Rent-seekers will always assume that others are given more when the truth is that non-Malays, knowing that they cannot depend on hand-outs by the government, just go out to work and save harder. Obviously, the Penang government could not give freely to the Malays because KL had not been giving sufficiently to Penang for many years.

There is of course a hidden agenda in that. Everyone knows that except the perpetrators who chose to be ignorant and start blaming the government for not helping them sufficiently. Ask the non-Malays. What help has the state government of Penang given them that the Malays were not given.

Get real, Umno Youth.

It's wrong to say UMNO Youth leaders do not know. It's UMNO general assembly time when roosters strut, keris are withdrawn and hornets released.

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to the Malaysiakini reader,
    my sentiments exactly.
