
Friday, August 25, 2006

Size Matters!

Poor Pluto - for 70 years it was the 9th planet in our solar system. Now it has been consigned to where it belongs - no, not Hades, but as one of the 'dwarf planets'.

BBC photo

I am going to complain to the Human Rights Commission about such discrimination of calling Pluto a dwarf. I am sure Suhakam will be more than pleased to drop whatever they are now looking into - hah, another missing 'planet', the IPCMC* - in order to take my complaint up.

* this one is for blogger walski69 who has also been looking for the much needed but still 'missing' IPCMC in GoatGate 2: Press Conference at Paul's Place and GoatGate 2: Press Conference at Paul's Place

BBC photo

Read this and this for more. Sob sob sob!


  1. Won't be long before it will be designated as a carpark lot...

  2. Trust the great KTemoc to segue-way from extraterrestial planets to Earth bound missing planets... heh heh.

    Thanks for the plug, towakay...

    I suppose a memorandum of protest to the Council of Interplanetary Relations can be expected anytime soon. Them Plutonians (or Plutonoids, or Plutonese, whatever) must be damned pissed off about now... LOL.

    But we'll probably only hear about it a few weeks (or maybe even months) from now. Hey, if things move that slowly on Planet Malaysia, how fast do u expect things to move across several light-weeks?


    "Pluto vote 'hijacked' in revolt"

    Some people aren't happy about it too :)
