
Monday, August 21, 2006

Rimbunan Hijau?

Malaysiakini reported about Malaysian owned logging giant in Papua New Guinea, Rimbunan Hijau.

The battle between Rimbunan Hijau and Greenpeace in Papua New Guinea (PNG) rages on with the Malaysian logging giant accusing the international environmental group for singling the company out for criticism.

In a report entitled ‘Whatever it takes - Greenpeace's anti-forestry campaign in Papua New Guinea’, Sarawak-based Rimbunan argued that Greenpeace has no interest in developing sustainable commercial forestry or improving the economic welfare of the people of PNG.

“Greenpeace is not interested in economic growth in PNG, or what it means to the people of PNG."

"Greenpeace evidently considers that cessation of commercial logging in PNG is worth any cost, including damage to efforts to raise living standards, increase life expectancy, and improve child literacy in Papua New Guinea,” it stated.

“It has only two interests in PNG: first, to see it used as a model for its own view of how the world should look; and second, to secure a tactical victory to support its global campaign to stop commercial forestry,” it


I don’t know much about the case, but I have heard nasty things about the logging company, though I also do know how militant Greenpeace sometimes can be.

My only comment is how in the world did a logging company have a name or were permitted a name of Rimbunan Hijau? ;-)

1 comment:

  1. keep our planet safe. don't so greedy

