
Friday, August 18, 2006

Reciprocation with blog links

With great daring for a hopeless HTML-er like me ;-) I've finally ventured to tamper with my blog's template and linked up with 2 bloggers in reciprocation of their links to KTemoc Konsiders.

P Goh's 'Focus on Malaysia & the World' and my mate Howsy's 'Sensintrovert' are now just away at a click of the wee tikus (mouse) on the right column.

While I'm still on a rush of adrenalin, please let ole KT know of those of you who have linked to my site but haven't received reciprocation. I may take a few days to work up another burst of courage but I'll do the right thing. Just leave your URL here.


  1. Hey, you have a huge fan-base out there lar! Check out this Technorati thingy (if you haven't). :)

  2. Thanks Howsy mate. Aiyah, 42,217th only lah ;-)

  3. That's okay, peng-yu - much better than my own 48,221st placing ;-) LOL

    BTW - myAsylum's blogroll has included your site since a few months ago (can't remember when, exactly). I only started blogging last January, so it's been at some point since then.

    And like Howsy's site, yours is definitely on my daily must-read list!

  4. Thanks for reciprocating. That's kind of you.
    Personally though I didn't really expect that as the sites that I put a link to are there on their own merits. So you didn't really have to oblige (not that I would protest if you did!)
    Happy blogging and continue to be responsible in what you write.

  5. Merci, M. PJ Goh

    Walski69 - look to the right ;-) cheers mate.

  6. Thank you, kind sir ;-)

    (btw - I'm in your neck of the woods this weekend visiting the in-laws)

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