
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Mozambique Warning on Lions

I love this one - subtle and utterly wicked!

In case you can't read the poster above, here's a reproduction of its text:

Province of Imhambane
Ministry of Fish and Wildlife

Due to the rising frequency of human-lion encounters, the Ministry of Fish and Wildlife, Imhambane, Mozambique is advising hikers, hunters, fishermen and any motorcyclists that use the out-of-doors in a recreational or work-related function to take extra precautions while in the bush.

We advise outdoorsmen to wear noisy bells on clothing so as to give advanced warning to lions that may be closed by so you don’t take them by surprise.

We also advise anyone using the out-of-doors to carry “Pepper Spray” with him or her in case of an encounter with a lion.

Outdoorsmen should also be on the watch for fresh lion activity, and be able to tell the difference between lion cub shit and big lion shit. Lion cub shit is smaller and contains lots of berries and dassie fur. Big lion shit has bells in it, and smells like pepper.

Enjoy your stay in

1 comment:

  1. As far as I recall, that was originally a joke about bears in Canada (brown bears and grizzly bears), which sort of worked.
    Replacing different sort of bears with 'lions' and 'lion cubs' makes hardly any sense at all.
    Also, lion cubs don't primarily eat berries and wearing bells makes sense in woods (where you might surprise a bear), but not much in the habitats of lions.
    In short: someone took a joke and screwed it up by trying to 'improve' it.
