
Sunday, August 06, 2006

KTemoc 'shot' over 'shooting' posting

One visitor to my blog, Winston Smith (and I am the Rt Hon Rupert Clemont-Briggs), has warned (threatened?) me twice that ‘Big Brother is watching me’.

In his last (unedited) comments on my posting "Somebody, please shoot this Jeff Ooi for good"? he wrote:

Ktemoc, chill out man!

P Gunasegaram was merely expressing his opinion, just like you do with your pro Tun Mamak Kangkang articles. You and him just have differences in opinions. You have the right to say his writings nonsensical. No doubt about it.

But when people start using threats in order to silence others or force them to see things in another way, well, I don't think that's right. Perhaps, that is what you should be condemning. After all, your blog's not yet regulated by MiniTrue that's currently managed by Mamak Mydin.

If you do believe that, quote "Somebody, please shoot this Jeff Ooi for good"? unquote, then you are no better than those quote "who talked about keris dripping with blood and burning down the Chinese Assembly Hall, or UMNO trained hornets zipping in fiercesome formations at parties it didn’t like".

Big Brother Is Watching You

That’s the first I have been credited as a pro-Mahathir blog. Well, I am a bloke who sees a half glass of fluid as ‘half-full’ rather than 'half-empty', so I want all of you readers to tell Dr Mahathir - if you know him or have an opportunity to sembang (chitchat) with him - there’s a pro-him blogger at KTemoc Konsiders. He might yet leave me ‘something’ or better, I get introduced to Marina ;-)

As for Winston's ;-) defence of Gunasegaram, he missed the point. I did not post "Somebody, please shoot this Jeff Ooi for good"? to criticise Gunasegaram's article against Dr Mahathir but against his reporting Jeff Ooi to the CMCF.

I had queried exactly what another reader mob1900 had commented, that Screenshots reader Imran might have been blowing his top but his action was not with malice or ill-intent, other than an exasperated shout of ‘shutup’ to Gunasegaram.

Mob1900 hit the spot when he asked: “Don't tell me as an experienced journalist/reporter he [Gunasegaram] can't tell the difference between a genuine threat and a 'figure of speech'?".

And as a refresher for dear Winston, here’s what I wrote earlier:

If my reading of the situation is not incorrect, it would appear that Gunasegaram seeks acquittal (through the CMCF) from Jeff Ooi for not removing the comment in a time to his (Guna’s) satisfaction rather than some assurance that Imran or another reader will not ‘shoot’ him. Imran has become incidental while Jeff Ooi is now Gunasegaram's target.

That he had reported the matter to the CMCF and refuses to withdraw it, even after both Jeff Ooi and Imran had clarified the latter’s comments (already removed), would appear to be an unusually extreme case of merajuk (sulking) for a professional media person. Surely Gunasegaram can't be that angry or vindictive over a petty issue which he has seen fit to not even report to the Police, for 'fear of his personal safety'. Does he want the CMCF to ‘shoot’ Jeff Ooi?

In other words, why make an official mountain out of a blogging pimple, unless only Jeff Ooi’s blood would do.

And dear Winston, please stop your threats. I am aware that Big Brother is indeed watching. I am disappointed you didn’t read my earlier posting Malaysia an Orwellian's 1984?.

I tell you what - I'll refer to you as O’Brien from now on. Cheers, O'Brien.


  1. Why thank you, Ktemoc! I did not realise I required a change in name. Oh, well. By the way, I think I will actually change my name to...Mukhriz&Mohkzani@No2JlnRajaAbdullah. Whaddya think?

  2. A repost of what I posted at Taiko's blog:
    I think the whole thing is a sabo or coNSpi. There's definitely a Third party behind this. It's either 'you lose your license' or 'go kacau Jeff a bit' kinda thing.

    Conspiracy theoriest at your best, how about a story for us on this? ;)

  3. O'Brien f.k.a. Winston Smith said...

    Why thank you, Ktemoc! I did not realise I required a change in name. Oh, well. By the way, I think I will actually change my name to...Mukhriz&Mohkzani@No2JlnRajaAbdullah. Whaddya think?

    Just to clarify - was that a joke? and if it was,exactly where was the punchline? because i think i missed the part where we were supposed to laugh

  4. KTemoc posted quote 'Imran has become incidental while Jeff Ooi is now Gunasegaram's target.' (is it endquote or unquote here?).Well that much is obvious to anyone who has read the whole story, but unfortunately the way this story is painted in NST, Sun, The Star and by Datuk Fu Ah Kiow makes it sound like Jeff actually sat down and made the choice to allow someone to post a serious threat to shoot Gunasegaram on his website. And there is no doubt which portal gets more readership when you compare online blogs and newspapers...

  5. wooo... I'm being quoted(thanks Ktemoc), now I could cross out one of those 'meme' to-do list. I'm sure Winston didn't miss the point, just rooting a different perspective as in being in Mr. Guna's shoe. Well, as a Senior, he does have a rather big shoe to fill that is. Anyway, my point is, Mr. Guna should should have given it a serious thought on the ramifications of his actions rather repeating the same mistake as Ilham/Inram did. Unlike Ilham/Inram, Mr. Guna does have the time and 'should' have the maturity to understand there will always be people who disagree with him or any amongst us. That's life, we deal with it, not having a 'tit for tat' fight for the vicious cycle could only come back and haunt us.

    and Howsy, wats with the ehem N *cough S *cough T conspiracy thingy?

  6. O'Brien? Aha, ever read George Orwell's 1984, which incidentally was a title of a recent KTemoc posting

    Aiyah, mob1900, you have been too succint not to quote ;-)

    Howsy, our buddy BigFoot is back - watch out for more news ;-) but I need to put on my creative cap, which is a wee worn thru 'fair wear & tear' by now
