
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Khairy, Just Say One Magic Word

The country's most talked about (I was going to use the ‘n’ word but better not) son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin, had been lambasted by MCA Youth for making a racist statement in saying the Chinese community would take advantage of an UMNO internal strife.

Khairy had also aggravated his reckless faux pas by bringing up a non-issue, that of an already retracted memo to the PM from non-Malay ministers. The Chinese media had a field day with the young man’s exploitative polemics.

MCA Youth deputy leader Ling Hee Leong, son of former MCA president Ling Liong Sik, was the sole MCA member who accepted Khairy Jamaluddin’s excuse that he was misinterpreted by the Chinese media. He jumped in a wee too swiftly to gloss over Khairy's hurtful statement as if all’s well and done with, by issuing a press statement that Khairy had no intention of hurting the feelings of the Chinese Malaysian community, and that the two of them had agreed to ‘look forward to the greater interest of the nation’.

'... greater interest of the nation ...?' But the other executives of MCA Youth shot Ling down like a USAF bomber over Hanoi. Crraaashhh.

Ling’s boss in the MCA Youth, Liow Tiong Lai crudely brushed aside (no, pounded into smithereens) Ling’s public statement, in a show of the MCA Youth’s mounting anger at Ling’s arbitrary public announcement.

Liow stated in no uncertain term who could speak for the MCA Youth. In an unprecedented show of who’s boss, he declared: “I have been given the full mandate in today’s meeting as MCA Youth chief to bring up this issue to Hishammuddin Hussein as the BN Youth chief and settle it at the highest level.”

my underlining

In other words, Liow has flicked off Ling's public annoucement as too bloody cosy and unacceptable to MCA Youth. Earlier, MCA Youth secretary-general Dr Wee Ka Siong had also denied there was any consensus reached on the matter, and dismissed the Ling-Khairy meeting as a private one.

Asked on Ling’s explanation on his meeting with Khairy without prior consent from the party, Liow said, “He is the deputy chief and he has the right to meet anyone but MCA Youth will settle this issue together.”

It’s believed Ling has burrowed deep underground yesterday to avoid reporters.

Liow then quoted a Chinese saying that "the person who started the trouble should end it" in telling Khairy to show 'sincerity' in resolving the controversy.

“He should not repeat the same remarks. If he said he is misunderstood, tell us why he was misunderstood.”

When question on Khairy’s reported explanation that he has no intention to hurt the Chinese Malaysian community, Liow replied (perhaps sarcastically): “I am happy to hear that he said that.”

But the MCA Youth chief refused to say MCA Youth has accepted Khairy’s explanation, saying that the matter should be resolved through the ‘highest leadership’ within the Barisan Nasional Youth. In plain language, Liow meant “No F-way!”

I know the solution MCA Youth seeks, not that I am a high council member of the MCA Youth, but it’s just one magic word that the movie Love Story has in its tagline, a word which needn’t be ever said when there’s love.

Since there’s no love between MCA Youth and Khairy, perhaps ‘the person who started the trouble should end the trouble’ by saying that magic word.

Be brave like you think your were when Condoleezza Rice was here, Khairy. Say that magic word.


  1. say that magic word, and MEAN IT!

    if the newspaper had misinteprerted him, then he needs to go after the media to correct the statement. the innocents who were not there to understand his "true" interpretation would be thinking the worse of the chinese and not be corrected in their thoughts.

    there are a lot of people out there understanding the wrong thing and resenting the chinese for nothing.

  2. Like the picture of Ryan 'O Neal caressing Ali McGraw's back, perhaps KhaiSeefart(Chicken backside) and Ling Jr are 'more than friends'? lolx
