
Saturday, August 05, 2006

Israeli airstrikes murdered 40 civilians

The Israeli campaign of genocide continues in Lebanon, with the last air strike killing 40 civilians including women. An air strike hit a farm near Qaa in Lebanon, close to the Syrian border in the Bekaa Valley. 33 farm workers, mostly Syrian Kurds, were loading plums and peaches on to trucks, when the Israeli bombs dropped on them. 20 others were wounded.

The Israeli army spokesman claimed the air strikes in the Qaa area targeted two buildings which its military intelligence said were Hezbollah's weapon stores. But television footage showed bodies of farm workers lined up near the ruins of a small structure in fruit groves, with fruit baskets strewn nearby.

This has been a typical Israeli military lie, after killing innocent civilians. They would always claimed, as they did in Qana, that the Hezbollah either had arms at the devastated location or were hiding among the civilians. It's not unlike the American lies in Iraq and Afghanistan that their military had killed insurgent 'suspects' - meaning they have no proof or evidence other than the convenient word of 'suspects' to excuse their wilful and callous killings of innocent civilians.

It was one of the deadliest air strikes in 24 days of war. But another air strike on a house in the front-line Taibeh village in southern Lebanon also killed seven civilians and wounded 10. News source says civilians were sheltering in the house during fierce battles. But I am sure the Israelis would be able to aver Hezbollah was hiding there or there was a WMD factory.

In retaliation, Hezbollah fired several longer range rockets which landed in or near the Israeli city of Hadera, about 80 kilometres from the Lebanese border. This has been the deepest rocket attack of the war so far. While no report of its effect is still available , one thing the rocket attack has done is to prove Ehud Olmert’s boast of having destroyed Hezbollah’s rocket force as false.

But to compound the difficulties of UN relief aid efforts, Israeli aircraft have deliberately destroyed four bridges on the main coastal highway north of Beirut, which are the main lifelines for aid to Lebanon. The unwarranted destruction has severely disrupted efforts to aid civilians displaced or trapped by the conflict in Lebanon.

UN refugee agency spokeswoman Astrid van Genderen Stort said the destruction represents a major setback for the UN because it used the highways to move staff and supplies into the country. The UN World Food Program has also called off planned convoys to the southern port city of Tyre after air raids on a Beirut suburb prevented drivers from reaching the assembly point.

This is malicious vindictive genocide of the Lebanese people by an evil Israeli regime supported by another evil regime in Washington. The USA has brought death to the Middle East and many parts of the world.

Even as Lebanese civilians are killed by America’s hatchet man in the region, more Iraqis are killed everyday in neighbouring Iraq. US generals in Iraq have conceded that civil war is a matter of ‘when’ and not ‘if’, meaning more troubled times ahead for ordinary Iraqis, thanks to the Axis of Evil of Washington, London and Tel Aviv.

Where America is involved in the Middle East, death for the locals is a virtual certainty.


  1. Ram said:

    "Israelis are nothing more than a pack of butchers running amok under the petticoat of Condaleeza Rice'

    How much history do you know about the birth of Israel in 1948?

    Who were the aggressors of Israel ONE DAY AFTER the state of Israel was FULLY ENDORSED BY THE UN?

    Who screams for Israel to be wiped off the map?

    Who made the most concessions for peace in the mid-east?

    What happened ONE DAY AFTER Gaza was handed over to the Palestinians?

    Is it OK for Hezbollah to rain rockets on Israel targetting its civilians, and Israel is NOT TO DEFND ITSELF?

    Why did the UN allow HB to flourish and strengthen in Lebanon?


    Why do HB fight hiding behind civilians, and hiding behind skirts?

    Why did HB threaten and REFUSE to allow civilians to flee after Israel warned them of their vicinity targetted to be bombed?

    Do muslims allow such warnings in 9/11? Or the BESLAN killing where your muslim friends slaughtered close to 200 CHILDREN and 134 adults? Slitting the throat of a baby that cried and the mother failed to quieten the baby?

    From whom is the world in danger?
    From radical islam slaughtering at will from US right across to Russia/India or from the "infidels/'

    Do read up before writing such asinine comments. Your post shows your utter ignorance for values, morals, HUMANITY
    and a display of twisted, perversity, as does the article itself.


  2. It is acceptable to hold strong views but one must not be blinded by emotions. Below is an excerpt from Joseph Farah, editor and CEO of WND. He is of Lebanese/Syrian descent and has more moral obligations to defend Lebanon than us.

    between the lines Joseph Farah WND Exclusive Commentary All eyes on Lebanon
    Posted: August 1, 2006
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    © 2006

    You know, it's funny.

    For years I've been trying to get people to pay attention to the deaths and destruction and injustices being perpetrated on my beloved Lebanon.

    And nobody cared.

    When Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Liberation Organization tried to take over the country and make it his terrorist playground, nobody cared.

    When people were dying by the thousands in the civil war, nobody cared.

    When Syria had its boot on the neck of its tiny neighbor for 25 years, nobody cared.

    When Iran dispatched Hezbollah terrorists into the country to undermine home rule by Lebanese, nobody cared.

    When Muslims chased millions of Christians from the country, tipping the balance of power, nobody cared.

    But now, all eyes are on Lebanon.

    Do you know why?

    Because Israel has tried to clean up this hornet's nest. Yet, all we hear about is how many Lebanese are dying.

    Can I let you in on a little secret?

    Guess what the total death toll is among Lebanese during the extent of this war – including Hezbollah terrorists, many of whom are not really Lebanese?

    You better sit down.

    The total death toll is just over 500.

    Now, far be it for me to minimize death tolls. One innocent death is a tragedy. But this is the total – all terrorists, civilians, Lebanese army, everything.

    The whole world is going nuts over this "slaughter."

    What is needed is some perspective here. May I offer it?

    Last month alone, U.S. troops in Afghanistan announced killing 600 "suspected" Taliban. That's one month alone. We've been occupying this foreign country since 2002. It began in response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. U.S. forces went halfway around the world to attack a sovereign nation, to overthrow the government and kill as many people as it deemed necessary over the last five years to prevent more terrorist attacks in the future. Few would suggest that Afghanistan represents any imminent threat to the U.S. today. By the way, according to U.S. military spokesmen, a total of 1,700 Afghanis have been killed since the start of the year. That includes some civilians, some aid workers and more than 70 foreign troops.

    But, last time I checked, there weren't demonstrations in the streets of the U.S. or elsewhere around the world over this war.

    Instead, everybody is going ape over Lebanon.

    By the way, the government of Afghanistan, installed by the U.S., is happy about the war. President Hamid Karzai wants to see the terrorists rooted out of his country. He recognizes it represents the best chance for his nation to be free.

    Meanwhile, back in Lebanon, a government that has tolerated terrorist bases on its soil for years and years is suddenly indignant about Israel's retaliation against incessant attacks from those strongholds.

    Does any of this make sense?

    Do you think those screaming about the bloodshed in Lebanon really give a hoot about Lebanon? If so, where have they been for the last 30 years?

    Why is Lebanon the top story in every newscast? Why is Lebanon on the front page of every newspaper? Don't you get the impression that the violence there is probably worse than anywhere else on the planet from this focus?

    Clearly it is not.

    And the only difference is who's doing the butt kicking in Lebanon.

    As for me, an American of Lebanese and Syrian heritage, I don't want to see a "cease-fire." I want to see Lebanon freed of the terrorist blight, once and for all. I want to see Lebanon freed from domination by Iran and Syria. I want to see Lebanon be Lebanon. I don't want to see Lebanon suffer for another 30 years. It's time to clean up the mess and allow this poor, little country to heal.

    And that means getting rid of the disease of Hezbollah – now.

    Related offer:

    Definitive work on Mideast – available only here!

    Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND and a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators Syndicate. His latest book is "Taking America Back." He also edits the weekly online intelligence newsletter Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, in which he utilizes his sources developed over 30 years in the news business.

  3. Joseph Farah is a conservative Christian American who's anti Democrat (meaning he's either Republican or very pro) and anti-Arab Islamist and anti-liberal. He is a typical George Bush supporter.

    Hardly the sort of bloke who would stand out like an impartial referee, unlike yours truly (neither Christian nor Muslim, and a Chinese Malaysian to boot).


  4. Proof that you are Not a Malay/Muslim

  5. I said prove it. Let's see your face and what's your real name. Remember, YOU are the blogmaster.
    Or are you some 'cap cheng' who finds it too difficult to pin down your ethnicity

  6. I don't to have prove anything ;-) If you don't take my word for it, tough! The problem is yours.

    & I think it's terrible for you to use that extremely offensive word 'charp cheng'. Is there such a thing as a pure 'cheng' anywhere in this world, apart from some isolated and near extinct tribes in the middle of the Amazon?

    Some ultra orthodox Jews like the Shas Party of Israel may think others are Kushims or goyims but then they are no different to the Nazis who believed in pure breed.

    I don't see any value in continuing down your line of argument - my identity must remain as KTemoc ;-)

  7. You are nothing but a 'charp cheng' who wants to tell the whole world what you think but you do not have the balls to tell the world who you are. You think you can draw the cover over everybody's eyes by being a Palestinian/Arab hero. You want to be a hero without the risk of getting your blog shut down. You accuse Anwar Ibrahim of having his feet in different boats. Well, at least I know who he is. I also know who is Jeff Ooi. They are not hypocritical egoist like you who pretends to support the Palestinian/Arab cause so as to cover his ass. If you do not have the balls to show the world who you are, you also do not have the right to be a blogmaster.
    By the way, I know what kind of 'charp cheng' you are.
