
Sunday, August 20, 2006

Israel predictably violated ceasefire

Not surprisingly, the party to first violate the UN sanctioned ceasefire in Lebanon has been maverick Israel, who claimed it did so in 'self defence', a 'self defence' that took its air raid and commando penetration deep into Lebanon territory.

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan condemned the Israeli violations but there's buggerall he can do. Israel has no intention of honouring any UM Resolution and will employ that bullsh*t 'defence' excuse to continue to kill and destroy at will.
The Israeli deceit is not unlike the USA's approach after the latter has murdered local civilians, then labelling those victims as 'terrorist suspects'.

Those are the reality of power where the powerful don't answer to anyone, or when they choose to, they can say anything (principally for domestic consumption) which they don't give a damn whether the world believes them or not.


  1. Demohcrazy, I am going to be strict with you. I've been fairly tolerant with you for a while but I believe you have taken advantage of my relaxed attitude towards your political-ideological spamming. Starting with one of your 4 comments above, I will now delete any of your comments not related to the thread of the posting.

    If you want to make a point against my posting you're welcomed but stop behaving like a vandal. Make some relevant points but not just unrelated pro-Israeli or anti-Arab comments.

  2. I don't think you understand what the etiquettes of blogging are, one of which is to make only comments relating to the posting of the blogger/host, and not tangential or out-of-whack issues that are nothing more than crass spamming or issue-hijacking.

    If you wish to show "the other side of the coin" you should have your own blog, instead of "squatting" your unrelated views on my postings. Don't be a lazy cheapskate - blogging is free - go on and get your own blog

    I am surprised that with your paranoia you still haven't labelled me an anti-Semitic, but that's the typical bankrupt defence of an Israeli or pro-Israeli, always accusing people of being a Jew hater when they can't counter unpleasant facts of the ugly nature of rightwing Israelis or Jews. You can't handle the TRUTH.

    Bon voyage and don't be in a hurry to come back. ;-)
