
Friday, August 04, 2006

Hezbollah Warns Israel of Tit for Tat

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah, and touted as the new Saladin has warned Israel about attacking central Beirut. He said Hezbollah would fire rockets at Tel Aviv in retaliation.

Nasrallah said in a televised message: "If you strike Beirut, the Islamic Resistance will strike Tel Aviv and it is able to do so. If you bombard our capital we will bombard the capital of your aggressive entity."

Arabs consider Tel Aviv as the capital of Israel rather than Jerusalem, that is, if they even accept the existence of Israel.

Nasrallah said Hezbollah would end rocket attacks against northern Israel if the Jewish state stopped attacking civilian areas in Lebanon.

"(If) at any time you decide to stop your campaigns on our cities, suburbs, civilians and infrastructure, we won't strike with rockets any settlement or Israeli city ..."

Many people have forgotten that the current crisis, purportedly started off with Hezbollah capturing two Israeli soldiers, saw the Israelis started the bombardment of Lebanon first, and not the other way around as Israel and America would want us to believe.

Political experts are already saying that there have been growing doubts, even among former Israeli generals, that the current Israeli military has the competency of its predecessors. Its intelligence has failed miserably in not realising Hezbollah has accumulated over 10,000 rockets during the past 6 years, and constructed tunnels a la Vietnam in southern Lebanon in anticipation of the Israeli bombardment.

Hezbollah's military formation has been highly decentralised, trained to act independently, thus making it difficult for Israeli (and US) vast electronic intelligence array to detect radio or electronic issuance of military commands. The Israelis are quite lost as to what Hezbollah is doing or planning. Its regular claim of large numbers of Hezbollah militants being killed had been grossly inflated to boost morale at home.

As the saying goes for insurgencies, all Hezbollah has to do to claim victory over Israel is just to continue staying in existence. The Israeli public is beginning to suspect that their once invincible Armed Forces has become like the US', a mad bull in a china shop, smashing up everthing in sight but without any purpose or objective other than wanton destruction because of its brute nature.

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