
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Evil in Full Storm (2) - Israel's 100,000 cluster bomblets

In a vicious and malicious bombing campaign Israel had deliberately sown cluster bombs in Souhern Lebanon in the last 72 hours before the UN ceasefire came into effect.

Cluster bombs are indiscriminate killers, targeted usually, for example, at enemy military aerodromes to prevent the enemy from using its warplanes or the aerodrome itself. But sown among the habitat of civilian population, those cluster bombs would kill and maim mainly children.

The UN's humanitarian chief has described Israel's use of cluster bombs in south Lebanon during the final three days of the conflict there as shocking and immoral. Jan Egeland said that thousands of Lebanese civilians remain at risk from unexploded cluster bombs dropped there.

He lamented: "What's shocking and I would say completely immoral is that 90 per cent of the cluster bomb strikes occurred in the last 72 hours of the conflict when we knew there would be a resolution, when we knew there would be an end."

"Those places [countries] who made those bombs should have a serious talk with Israel on the use of such bombs that are making our lives so miserable trying to help the Lebanese people."

"I hope the US will talk to the Israelis on that, because it is an outrage that we have 100,000 bombs among where children, women, shopkeepers and farmers are now going to tread."

Complaining to the USA about Israel would be like pissing into the wind.

The UN had assessed nearly 85 per cent of bombed areas in south Lebanon and identified 359 separate cluster bomb strike locations contaminated with as many 100,000 unexploded bomblets.

In Geneva, Chris Clark, head of the UN Mine Action Service in southern Lebanon, said there had been 59 confirmed casualties, including 13 deaths, caused by the explosives since the end of hostilities on August 14.

The evil of the Israelis knows no bounds. Ironically, or should it be(?), the Israelis are behaving like Nazis in their brutality, callousness and malice. They have been overwhelmingly successful in killing scores of children and women.

With such a display of unmitigated iniquitous abomination, an unmatched vicious barbarism equalling those of the Nazis, surely the Israelis must be henchmen of the Anti-Christ?

Evil in Full Storm - Israelis killed 37 Children

1 comment:

  1. Israel is trying not to kill anyone but its allmost impossible when terrorist take women and children and make them face the Israeli army. Are u saying we should look at that terrosit and let him shoot us. We give warning to people all the time. we try to save civilians but it's hard. The world always critiss all the time and whatever we do we are always the "bad guys". So with all the respect keep your opinions to yourself!
