
Friday, July 21, 2006

World's Biggest Criminal

President Bush has told us Israel is defending itself and should be allowed to do by bombing Beirut which is full of Hezbollah militants; Tony B-LIAR said he didn’t want to see violence for the Lebanese people but neither did he want a ceasefire in Lebanon until Israel has sorted out the Hezbollah. Australian PM John Howard said the Israeli bombardment was only in response to Hezbollah rocket attacks (don’t worry that it was the other way around because Howard would say anything to support the USA and please the powerful Jewish lobby in Australia).

OK, don’t worry about the Coalition of Killing. The following two Israeli strikes have been amazing prime examples of precise targeting against the Hezbollah.

Israel bombarded Beirut's port and a lighthouse on its seafront. Everyone knows that the Hezbollah are in the maritime business which means their militants lurked around ports and lived in lighthouses.

cartoon by Nicholson of The Australian

Then the Israelis targeted two trucks with well-drilling gear in the Christian district of Ashrafiya. Do I have to remind you that Hezbollahs also live in Christian districts and conduct well drillings there? Of course I don't have to, everyone knows that.

A US news online said that one of the Israeli Air Force targets was a tissue paper factory - which we all know has grave military implications.

Yes, the Israeli vicious, malicious and indiscriminate large scale bombing of innocents and non-military infrastructure have been designed to drive Lebanon back into the stone age, prompting many non-Shiite (Christians, Sunnis) Lebanese, while still blaming Hezbollah for triggering the conflict, to shift their anger to the Jewish state's disproportionate use of force.
Ali Essa, a Sunni Muslim who had to close his supermarket to flee the bombing said: "They are not just hitting Hezbollah, aren't they?"

"They are targeting civilians and factories and the world is watching. The American Government is the biggest criminal in the world for allowing them to strike us with US-made weapons."

Indeed, the Americans must bear as much criminal guilt as, if not more than the Israeli Nazis.

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