
Thursday, July 27, 2006

Tel Aviv Nazis targeted 10 Red Cross ambulances

Here’s an ar$e-h*le speaking:

Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon said that because Foreign ministers attending crisis talks on the violence in Rome on Wednesday failed to unite in calling for an immediate ceasefire, it de facto means the Middle East conference has given Israel the green light to continue

He insisted: "We received yesterday at the Rome conference permission from the world* ... to continue the operation,"

* comprising two other ar$e-holes, George Bush and Tony Blair

He said that in order to prevent casualties amongst Israeli soldiers battling Hezbollah militants in southern Lebanon, villages should be flattened by the Israeli air force before ground troops move in.

He added that Israel had given the civilians of southern Lebanon ample time to quit the area and therefore anyone still remaining there can be considered Hezbollah supporters.

Haim Ramon said: "All those now in south Lebanon are terrorists who are related in some way to Hezbollah."

Marvellous formula for a bit of Israeli genocide of the Lebanese people. How many does he want killed - 6 millions?

Meanwhile in keeping with the spirit of 'smite thy enemies', the Israeli air force has targeted at least 10 Red Cross ambulance.

The Australian reported that the Red Cross is meant to be a universally recognised symbol of neutrality and a guaranteed passage of protection for the victims of armed conflict.

But at least 10 Lebanese ambulances bearing the emblem of the international red cross have instead become targets in Israeli air strikes that have killed more than a dozen civilian passengers being transported to hospitals in the south of the country.

The latest attack occurred on Sunday night near the small village of Quna, where two ambulances travelling in convoy were fired on by an Israeli Apache helicopter as they sped to the besieged port city of Tyre.

One of the Israeli rockets pierced the centre of the large red cross marked on the roof of one of the ambulances, as if it was used as a target.

Both ambulances' roofs were marked with crosses, blue lights flashed above them and giant International Red Cross flags flew from their rear doors. They were carrying members of the Fawaz family, who had been slightly injured during earlier bombing.

The convoy was struck by two rockets fired from an Apache helicopter, just before midnight, severely injuring all six people on board.

Do you think such people merit sympathy for their forefathers being murdered by the Nazis, when they behave and murder like Nazis?

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