
Saturday, July 29, 2006

Spraygate - Not Surprisingly ...

Not surprisingly, regardless of facts and evidence, most people would suspect (or rather, like to suspect) that the establishment, meaning the government or people close to the government, had been the culprits behind the vicious attack on an 81-year old former PM.

Not surprising, reporters who interviewed Dr Mahathir after he had his eyes and breathing treated, turned the queries towards the person of AAB.

Not surprisingly, Dr Mahathir responded to their queries readily, and when he received a direct one, “Is this the work of 'government people'?”, he replied “I don’t know who, but whoever did it, tried to prevent me from talking. May be it’s those people I have been accusing.”

Not surprisingly, all of us know who he had been accusing, don’t we?

Not surprisingly, when reporters became bolder and asked the un-diplomatic, like “Are there evidence that the prime minister gave contracts to his family members?” Dr Mahathir didn’t even flinch but answered: “There are evidence in the newspapers. For example Scomi (owned by Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s son Kamaluddin) gets contracts. ECM-Libra (linked to Abdullah’s son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin). The finance minister (Abdullah) should not give things to his son-in-law. I was the prime minister for the country not for my family.”

Not surprisingly, poor AAB must be tearing what little hair he has on his head, as he has been placed in an invidious position of being seen as responsible.

Not surprisingly, he might even think, "Now I know exactly how those MCA cabinet ministers must have felt when we UMNO people issued policies inimical to Chinese interests without even consulting them. Yes, like 'air kow hor p'ang teng' (mutes stung by hornets, or suffering undeserved pains silently). I feel like of them right now."

Not surprisingly, AAB asserted that those responsible for the incident should be severely punished, because he’s worried that the unmitigated scandal would be seized by ‘certain quarters’ to disseminate rumours, especially through the Internet, and raise negative implications and misconception among the public.

Not surprisingly, he ordered the police to solve the matter, not just as soon as possible, but immediately and sternly.

Not surprisingly, all of us suspect that there’ll be some harsh words in UMNO right now.

Not surprisingly, we expect more to come.

Not surprisingly, ........ (fill in the blank)


  1. oh no. Please don't use suffix -gate anymore. It's a cliche that has been overkilled.

  2. Sorry, Ktemoc, you are right. It should have been Non-Malay Non-Muslims.

    Cheers and thanks.
