
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Speak Good Bahasa Or Else

The Star Online reported:

On Tuesday, Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim, who co-chaired a meeting with Hishammuddin on strengthening the national language, said proposed amendments to the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Act would give the organisation more bite in punishing those who do not use the national language correctly.

He said this was to curb the abuse of the national language and the move would need the support and cooperation of the masses and the Cabinet.

Dr Rais said the lack of a penalty clause in the Act has restricted the agency’s authority in taking action against the errant use of the national language.

“We want to strengthen the correct usage of the national language. It is not aimed at any race or ministry.

“Our ancestors used the national language as a unifying language and to increase knowledge,” Hishammuddin said after jointly launching a national reading fest with Dr Rais.

Today Hishammuddin urged all parties not to worry as no change had been made to any law yet. But what about when it’s changed?

Now, please tell me, do we say:

Gunakan Bahasa Malaysia yang baik


Gunakan Bahasa Malaysia dengan baik


  1. wah ! ini maciam manyak susah lor. Gua skolah talak pigi, baca talak tinggi. Sekarang dia worang mahu kasi okong sama gua pulak. Niama leh !

  2. THe government always seems to be threatening the citizen. Why do we still have them rulling the contry after so many elections? It's time we get rid of this threatening government!

  3. That would be funny. Most cabinet members and MPs can't speak proper Malay.

    And how would they define it anyway? Is speaking with a Kedahan dialect bad Malay? They forget that language is not static but it is something alive and ever-evolving. Governing it is futile.
