
Saturday, July 01, 2006

Slow-Talk Guru coopted to resolve Mahathir-AAB stoush

Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin sad that he is arranging for a mediator to slow talk the two principal UMNO antagonists, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, into resolving any differences amicably.

He said that AAB, whom he met before he left for Australia for a holiday, was agreeable to his initiative. He hoped Mahathir would do likewise.

However, yesterday former Mahathir’s PA, lawyer Matthias Chang, who was undoubtedly speaking (very aggressively) with the full approval of Dr Mahathir, had said that that the political crisis following Mahathir’s scathing criticism of the current administration could be resolved within 24 hours if the government stopped beating around the bush and provided adequate answers to Dr Mahathir.

I wonder, other than AAB providing a response to Dr Mahathir’s queries instead of avoiding answering by hiding behind a phalanx of ‘kami sokong’ tok ampu [brown nosers], how could the differences be resolved to Dr Mahathir’s satisfaction?

UMNO is not completely behind AAB as the UMNO-BN press would have us believe as we have read from Malaysiakini that UMNO Seremban and Wanita UMNO in Kubang Pasu (admittedly Dr Mahathir’s stronghold) have indicated their anger with the demonising of the previous PM.

Then there’s the failure of AAB to expel Mahathir from UMNO as PAS strongman Husam Musa had revealed.

Zainuddin revealed to Bernama: "I suggested several names to Abdullah and he agreed to one of the names proposed. I contacted the person who said he has no qualms to contribute towards creating a harmonious environment in the interests of the country and race."

"This person as far as I know is dear to Mahathir and respected by Abdullah. He can help restore ties between them."

Zainuddin did not reveal who that person is. I suppose he's still waiting for Dr Mahathir's OK.

Political observers have suggested the person could be 62-year-old prominent businessman Mohd Abid, the executive director of major property development group TA Enterprise Bhd.

Apparently Mohd Abid is believed to be related to both Abdullah and Mahathir. He is well-known among the elite circles and a close friend of the two feuding leaders.

I am disappointed no one even mentioned my name, even if only in passing ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Ktemoc complained:-

    .......I am disappointed no one even mentioned my name, even if only in passing.


    Ask yourself these question first before considering whether you are qualify for the job:-

    -Can I lick arse?
    -Can I carry balls?
    -Can I polish apples?
    -Can I ..............?
