
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Secret Malaysian Government

Dr Azly Rahman, he of the anti-neo-feudalistic Malay cybernetic construct, informed us that there is a larger issue than what has been condemned by Dr Mahathir of PM AAB, that his son-in-law is the de facto PM.

Dr Azly has been worried that if Dr Mahathir’s accusation is indeed true, then all of us are in deep shit. He averred that we would then have a problem of dignity as a nation.

He said: “It shows that we are bankrupt of intelligent leaders and we are merely harping on the idea that these individuals are 'well-educated'. This is a wrong perception of leadership that needs to be corrected."

"This is an insult to what I call the ‘nouveau-neo-feudalist-cybernetic-closeted-brilliant’ Malays who are beginning to wake up from a deep trance to question authority and legitimacy.”

“…the ‘nouveau-neo-feudalist-cybernetic-closeted-brilliant’ Malays …” – man, Dr Azly sure as hell has a way with words!

But I am also reminded of what a lady in her private diary had termed as le nouveau puissant or the ‘newly powerful’.

I did ask in an earlier posting, Is KJ the de facto PM?, which PM was Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz, Minister in the PM's Department, referring to when stated "... but we won’t allow our prime minister to answer ...” ?

Was it the elected PM or his son-in-law, the alleged de facto PM?

Dr Azly continued: “We have plenty of brilliant leaders who are even wiser, mature and selfless, people with a better perception of what good leadership means. Look at Indonesia that was run by ‘The Berkeley Mafia’ during the Suharto era. The nation ended up not just bankrupt but burned down."

"Look at nations run by other invisible hands of corporate-crony-capitalism through brilliant people such as those who graduated from American Ivy Leagues and top British universities. These nations are not necessarily successful.”

He then pointed out the ultimate hollow image in Yale-graduated George Bush Jr, the President of America, the man who had screwed up his nation real good and proper.

Azly said us that a degree from a blue ribbon university is f**king meaningless and no-sure guarantee of success when upholding the virtues of public office. He hit the nail on the head by identifying the required qualities as the “commitment to ethics and commitment to the needs of the poor, the environment and to a peaceful and sustainable future.”

He advised that “a government run like a republic of virtue, mediated through open doors of collaboration, ... is better than a secret government run by spoiled rich children with expensive taste and smart toys.”

Then he frightened us by saying we citizen of sovereign Malaysia should be insulted to know that our country, as claimed by Mahathir, is not governed by the elected prime minister but by a bunch of over glorified interns.

He is damn worried that time, energy, money, and dignity, the rule of law and the rule of the people is being undermined by a secret government which ironically the public talks about openly. This (secret government of the de facto PM) means that the (actual) prime minister is worthless. That would surely be the ultimate insult to each and everyone of us voters.

But what KTemoc is even more worried about is the possibility of someone who could well be CONTROLLING the 'secret government', if not today, then one day?

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