
Sunday, July 30, 2006

Mahathir's aide threw doubts on mace assailant

Bernama stated that Kelantan's state police chief Zulkifli Abdullah revealed a 53-year old businessman was arrested on Friday evening as part of investigations into the mace attack on Dr Mahathir, when the former PM arrived at Kota Baru airport.

Deputy IGP Musa Hassan said the attack occurred as a result of a dispute between two factions of Mahathir's supporters, who had quarrelled over whose vehicles would be used to transport the former premier.

He said: "Each group tried to usher Mahathir to their car. At that time, a man sprayed some form of substance ... which accidentally splashed on Mahathir's face and his aide."

However, Dr Mahathir's spokesman Sufi Yusoff, while agreeing that there had been a disagreement between the two groups about transport arrangements, averred that he had resolved the dispute before the attack.

He said: "I had already brokered an understanding between the two (leaders of the groups). They knew what the procedure would be before we arrived. They were very clear on that."

So then, why was there an attack if the honour of transporting Dr Mahathir had already been resolved? As I had said, the story seems strange for a Mahathir supporter to spray mace disrecpectfully and thoughtlessly in the vicinity of Dr Mahathir.

The Sydney Morning Herald pointed out that Dr Mahathir's visit to Kelantan had been objected to by some local UMNO politicians because of Mahthir’s criticism of PM Abdullah.

1 comment:

  1. Akin to children rushing to grab the ice-cream man first, in this case, one got 'creative'.
