
Thursday, July 20, 2006

Lebanon Betrayed by Coalition of the Killing

The Coalition of the Killing is at it again, but this time their target being the ordinary Lebanese people.

The Bush Administration, backed by Britain, has deliberately blocked efforts by the UN, Europeans and the majority of the G8 for a ceasefire call to the ongoing Israeli slaughter of Lebanese plus the malicious destruction of Lebanese infrastructure.

The US inhumane blockade is designed to give Israel one more week to perpetrate unmitigated terrorism. And the motive seems nothing more than to deliver a puerile slap to Iran and Syria, which the US accused of directing Hezbollah and Hamas militants from behind the scenes.

Tony Blair and Australia, as voiced by Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, have as usual backed the US position, that Israel need not end the bombing until Hezbollah hands over Israeli prisoners and ends rocket attacks. In other words, the Coalition of the Killing is saying that Israelis may continue to kill as many Lebanese women and children until those two Israeli soldiers are released.

Isn’t this stand exactly like what the Nazis did to the Europeans? And the malice of the Israels could be seen in its deliberate targeting of Lebanon’s infrastructure like roads, bridges and Beirut airport, when it's clear that many of these structures couldn’t have anything to do with Hezbollah’s activities or concentration.

The aim is sheer Israeli punitive malice rather than military. Israel is saying to the Lebanese, as it did to the Palestinians, that they would be punished severely for daring to vote Hezbollah or Hamas. It's Israel's terrorist lesson in blackmailing weaker states into servitude. The Arabs must kowtow to the US-Israeli overlords like the Egyptians, Jordanians and Saudis have done.

In an evil and hypocrtical statement to British Parliament Tony B-LIAR lied again:

"Of course we all want violence to stop and stop immediately, but we recognise the only realistic way to achieve such a ceasefire is to address the underlying reasons why this violence has broken out."

How dare he lie through his rotten lying teeth that he wants violence to stop when he has just backed Bush in supporting the Israelis on another week of murderous bombardment of the Lebanese people.

As for the USA, it has supported State Terrorism against the only two democratically elected Arab States in that region. Goes to show that the USA doesn’t give a sh*t about democracy in its continuing genuflecting to its Israeli master. The Arabs cannot ever trust, not just a biased USA but, an anti-Arab USA.

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