
Friday, July 28, 2006

Dr Mahthir Attacked with Mace

This isn't exactly breaking news as almost everyone in Malaysia has by now learnt of the high drama at Kota Baru airport this morning.

There was great excitement when Dr Mahathir’s plane arrived the Kota Bahru airport at 10.50 am. Mahathir was to begin a two-day visit to the opposition-controlled Kelantan, where he would deliver several speeches and meet with UMNO members.

About 1,000 people were present to welcome the former premier. At this point, there are three versions of what happened next:

Version 1 (an earlier version):

As soon as he emerged from the VIP lounge, several men in jackets (of unknown association) escorted him as he made his way into a waiting Mitsubishi Pajero. One of Mahathir’s friends, former UMNO strongman in Kelantan, Ibrahim Ali had organised the transport.

But that’s when hell broke loose. As the crowd jostled to catch a glimpse of Mahathir, Ibrahim Ali was sprayed on the face with mace by one of those unknown men in jackets. Some people alleged they were from the police special operations force.

malaysiakini photo

Then people saw some of those men dragged Mahathir, who was already seated in the Pajero, to another car, a Honda Accord with registration plate DS 666 and driven away.

It’s ironical that the car bore the biblical signs of Satan. Would that be a coincidence? What would PAS have said about their previous ‘Devil’ being whisked away in a car bearing the licence plate with the sign of the Devil?

They say politics make strange bedfellows. PAS who once equated voting for Dr Mahathir as buying a ticket to hell, had welcome his visit and urged its members to listen to Dr Mahathri’s speeches. There were other welcoming signs for his visit, such as Tun Wira Negara (national hero). His wife, Dr Siti Asmah was addressed by the honorific Ibu Mithali (exemplary mum).

Version II

Someone, assigned or acting independently, threw either a smoke bomb or sprayed mace around, hitting both Dr Mahathir and Ibrahim Ali. The Grand Ole Man was whisked away to safety.

Version III

There have been suggestions that two rival groups of Mahathir supporters - the other group was allegedly led by a close associate of Mahathir identified only as Nik Safian Nik Yusof - were fighting over who should host Mahathir’s functions.

That mace was involved, hitting Dr Mahathir in the face, makes this version seemingly bullsh*t.

Regardless of which version is the correct one, what Ibrahim Ali subsequently declared was that it was an 'act of sabotage'. Now who would do that?

Dr Mahathir has been reported to be doing well after the mace attack. After the incident he was taken to the Renaissance Hotel where he underwent treatment. His special aide Sufi Yussof said the former premier’s health was not affected by the incident

For such a high profile visit where trouble had been expected, the Kelantan police chief Zulkifli Abdullah said he doesn’t have a clue to the strange ‘kidnapping’, but don’t panic, he is in the midst of getting more information.

But The Star said Deputy Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan claimed the person responsible for the attack has been identified.

No doubt the Anwaristas would applaud sweet justice, but should such violence be visited upon anyone, especially an 81-year old former PM?

1 comment:

  1. dear bro ali, amboi kau, ta' bagi chances lah. ni orang tua tu, dah 81, ta'kan kasi mampui keh?
