
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Dr Mahathir Ups the Ante

In High Noon for AAB? I mentioned that AAB’s advisors had embargoed UMNO people from the former PM – first, UMNO Kelantan was forced to cancel an earlier invitation to Dr Mahathir, then UMNO clubs in London were told not to meet the former PM, and now UMNO Selangor has been told to cancel a dinner where Dr Mahathir would be the guest of honour.

Then AAB’s people denied Mahathir’s allegations. So the ole man has upped the ante.

He said: “They say it’s not true that I cannot speak to Umno members so I would like to have an Umno gathering to speak to Umno people.”

“If they allow me to speak then I speak, because they say they are not stopping me from speaking to Umno members. So, okay, I’m going to organise an Umno meeting.”

Mahathir revealed to us that the UMNO leadership had stopped five party divisions, which sought contact with him, from having anything to do with him.

“So far they (Umno) have stopped five groups from having anything to do with me. Those people have invited me to speak to them (but) they have been told ‘no’ - they (Umno) cannot allow me to speak to them.”

“When I speak to the NGOs (non-governmental organisations), they complain there are PAS members there, so I must control people who came to hear me also. Newspapers now black out (my news), people who wrote in letters supporting me cannot get them published.”

Asked what will be the agenda of his Umno gathering, Mahathir replied: “Anything that Umno members don’t understand. They don’t allow me to speak, so how to expect people to understand (what’s going on).”

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