
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Achtung - Blitzkrieg in Progress

Nazi forces launched a neo-Stuka air attack on a 3-storey building, where they claimed a resistant leader was lurking within. Instead they murdered 6 people, including 2 women and 2 children - a feat worthy of an Iron Cross, 1st Class!

The indiscriminate air attack on the building recalled the Nazi’s assassination of a partisan military commander 4 years ago by the same tactic, of dropping a one-tonne bomb on a building, which also murdered 14 other people.

One of the Nazi Reichfuhrers blamed the partisan forces for using innocent people as human shields. He reminded everyone that Nazi rules of engagement demanded that, when any resistant leader is in a building, the innocent civilians must immediately vacate the building. And it’s those women and children's bloody personal responsibility to know when the partisan leaders are around. The penalty for non-compliance is death!

The Nazi Panzer Division's incursion into the partisan ghetto areas has already slaughtered more than 65 locals. Their military blockade and malicious termination of water, electricity and other facilities are threatening the 1.4 million local populace, in a typical demonstration of Nazi doctrine of collective punishment.

Yes, it’s July 2006 in the Middle East where Nazi Aryan forces continue to terrorise the untermenschen (subhumans).

Heil Hitler! Seig Heil!

Related:(1) Who are the Untermenschen?
(2) No Big Deal - Just Untermenschen
(3) Red Sand in the Promised Land
(4) Terrorist Midgets killed

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