
Saturday, June 10, 2006

Uniformed Public Extortionist

An auditor, Chong Yaw Huei, suffered extortion of RM250. The extortionist? A police sergeant at the Sea Park police station.

Chong had parked his Proton Wira outside his house, when he found it was stolen one night. He made a report immediately. Two weeks later the insurance officer informed Chong that his car has been found and left at the Sea Park police station.

Chong, told the press: “I went to the station with an insurance claims adjuster and a mechanic from the towing company, but the sergeant refused to release my car.”

The mechanic then offered to pay the sergeant RM100, but was turned down, yet the sergeant refused to release the car. The mechanic told Malaysiakini that it was standard practice for investigating officers to receive between RM50 to RM100 before releasing stolen cars.

He added: “I don’t know why that sergeant did not want the money, he told me ‘saya bukan kuli, saya IO’ (I am not a labourer, I am the investigating officer), maybe he wanted more.”

Indeed he did.

Chong, though frustrated, went back to the police station on 2 days later with another mechanic who negotiated with the police sergeant until a sum of RM250 saw the car released.

Chong said that he intends to lodge a report with the Anti Corruption Agency (ACA). But will it be of any use, considering the police even dare threaten the PM and Malaysian public. The ACA would only act with approval from above.

Malaysiakini tried to get the Sea Park police station to provide its side of the story but its call to the station went unanswered.

Our publicly paid uniformed extortionist, but why should we be shocked.

1 comment:

  1. Chong missed the opportunity to nail the I O Sergeant. He should have carry a digi cam set in Video mode in his pocket to record the incriminating conversation evidence.

    From the very top we always hear that "there is no evidence" to prove corruption.

    Many ARE NOT aware that a digi cam is an EXCELLENT Recorder. With 256 MB memory card you can capture more than an hour of sound if you capped up the lenses
