
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

No Big Deal - Just Rag-heads

Oh, just the usual US carpet bombing & collateral damage and killing of children and women!

The US military claimed that its air attack on Tabilan strongholds in the Panjwai district of Kandahar province, southern Afghanistan, have killed up to 80 militants.

But the governor of the Kandahar province says at least 16 civilians have been killed and 15 wounded. Residents of the area say up to 35 civilians have been killed.

Apart from those killed, Panjwai residents say the air strikes have destroyed several homes and wounded 9, including 3 children, 2 women and 4 men. Spokesman for the multi-national force says unconfirmed reports of civilian casualties are being investigated. Yeah? If the Yanks really want to verify this complaint their representatives can visit the wounded in Kandahar main hospital.

Atta Mohammad, an elderly man who accompanied the wounded to the hospital said more than 40 civilians have been wounded. One of the wounded, a boy named Daad Mohammad, revealed that all 7 members of his family have been killed.

At the city's Mirwaise Hospital, a wounded 40-year old man, Haji Ikhlaf, said insurgents had been hiding in an Islamic religious school, or madrassa, in the village after fierce fighting in recent days. He clarified:

"Helicopters bombed the madrassa and some of the Taliban ran from there and into people's homes. Then those homes were bombed. I saw 35 to 40 dead Taliban and around 50 dead or wounded civilians."

Another survivor from the village, Zurmina Bibi, talked about the tragedy of 10 people being killed in her home, including three or four children. She said "There were dead people everywhere."

Ho hum, as I said, just the usual US killing of women and children. Afterall what is this when their troops in Iraq had cold-bloodedly murdered families in an Iraqi village a la My Lai. I'll blog on this massacre shortly.

Related: No Big Deal - Just Untermenschen

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