
Saturday, December 31, 2005

Goodbye 2005, Hello 2006!

It’s another year, with KTemoc caught like everyone into writing a summarisation and forecast for the new year – I ought to be still drinking my champers. Since I have only started KTemoc Konsider in March this year, last year I did my end-of-year report at BolehTalk. Let’s see what ole KTemoc has come up with this year for both blogsites, and I'll try to keep it short.

The most outstanding issue for 2005 for me must be the progress of the recovery post tsunami. Even 1 year later, in places like Aceh and Sri Lanka, little progress has been made. No one knows what’s happening in India, while over in the East African coastal nations of Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania, no one gives a damn for those fishermen who are still waiting for financial assistance. Thailand seems to be the only significantly affected nation that has gotten on top of its devastation.

And to add to the world’s miseries, Pakistan suffered a devastating earthquake while in the USA the people of New Orleans were struck by Hurricane Katrina. What progress thus far? Yes, you’ve got it! Bureaucracy throughout the world, even in the mighty USA, moves at a blistering pace, the pace of a bloke suffering from blisters on his feet.

For Malaysians, Prime Minister Ahmad Abdullah Badawi has come as a humongous disappointment because he appears to be reluctant to rock the rotten status quo. Not much has changed. For example, the AP scandal sees him tolerating the sandiwara (theatrics) by the Trade Minister whom everyone including UMNO people thought would go. But Malaysia’s Iron Lady proves everyone wrong, and in the same process, damns the new Prime Minister in our eyes. Then, ole Humpty Dumpty continues to sit as a minister in a leaky parliament house – has he no shame, and has the PM no guts?

The usual farce associated with the Islamisation campaign started by UMNO sees JAWI terrorising women at the Zouk Club, then fighting over the remains of a man still unconfirmed as to whether he’s Hindu or Muslim, and the Islamic Family Law about to be passed to the detriment of Muslim women’s position. The string of alleged police abuses culminated in the Squatgate scandal. My prediction for 2006? - same old, same old!

I say I would keep it short though I could go on. But just a wee bit about the international arena before I quit.

I have minimised my blogging on military or insurgent incidents in Iraq and Palestine (though I occasionally still do) because I have been numbed by their daily violence. My prediction is that Iraq will disintegrate, that is, become balkanised, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will continue with Israel pulling the strings to ensure the West remains in its usual biased positions for Israel. Palestinian Statehood will again be delayed, which means more violence. More Palestinians will be killed while a smaller number of Israelis will be slain too. Basically, people on both sides will die in the Holy Land – excuse me while I decide whether to laugh or cry?

Keep an eye on Indonesia as the Islamist fascists try to eliminate its Christian countrymen, and likewise for southern Thailand as Islamist militants attempt to secede from an aloof Bangkok. The Tamil Tigers are active once again, aiming to up the death toll of 65,000 thus far. Like Thai Muslims the Tigers want a separated state, which I doubt the Singhalese will ever agree to, in the same way Kuala Lumpur will never accept a breakaway Sabah.

Japan is getting a wee antsy over an increasingly powerful China, on whom it had inflicted untold atrocities during WWII. Maybe it’s worried that the Chinese may demand payback one day, at least in kind, perhaps like getting the Japanese Emperor to kowtow on his knees at Nanjing? Japan is working closely with the USA to co-opt India into an anti-Chinese alliance. We need to see how seduced India has been by the USA. Meanwhile a more assertive Russia is attempting a superpower comeback via its increased and improved nuclear arms as it becomes nauseated with an arrogant USA. The Americans just cannot handle its sole superpower status - opportunity lost!

While countless zillions have been and are spent on destructive arms and war, millions die slowly of hunger in Africa. I am personally satisfied I have contributed monthly to World Vision and a smaller sum to the Red Cross for Darfur. In 2006 I aim to double my Darfur contribution. I invite you dear readers to chip in that odd dollar or so. You will (not just 'may') save lives.

There you are, dear readers, a reasonably short summarisation and forecast. Happy New Year and may all of you be safe.


  1. Hi

    Happy new year. That was a thought provoking post there.

    The Ayodhya dispute, religious conversions, terrorism, Hindu right Vs country's left !!, war on terror etc. leave very strong feelings. True that these effect us more than even natural disasters.

    Your blog made me think of the Indian context

    I feel Terrorism and destruction need not be overt. It could be covert too. . My blog below is on how the society defines the "weak" and who becomes the underdog !

    "..Gudia, a Muslim girl and Shri Ramdev ji, a Hindu male...".



  2. Vinayak, great stuff you have written. I am impressed by your compassionate observations. Keep up the good work.

